November 11, 2013

Trace SOAP Request/Response XML with TraceExtension - SoapExtension - C#

Trace SOAP Request/Response XML with TraceExtension - SoapExtension - C#

In one of my projects, I had to interact with a Web Service (Java) from another NET Web Service (asmx). logs to leave messages back and forth, I had to resort to SoapExtension.
Sometimes we need to send a sample of our request SOAP / XML web service response. I leave you a practical example without much return, I hope will be helpful

Class TraceExtension

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

namespace TestProject
    class TraceExtension : SoapExtension
        private Stream oldStream;
        private Stream newStream;

        private static XmlDocument xmlRequest;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the outgoing XML request sent to PayPal
        /// </summary>
        public static XmlDocument XmlRequest
            get { return xmlRequest; }

        private static XmlDocument xmlResponse;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the incoming XML response sent from PayPal
        /// </summary>
        public static XmlDocument XmlResponse
            get { return xmlResponse; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Save the Stream representing the SOAP request
        /// or SOAP response into a local memory buffer. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Stream ChainStream(Stream stream)
            oldStream = stream;
            newStream = new MemoryStream();
            return newStream;

        /// <summary>
        /// If the SoapMessageStage is such that the SoapRequest or
        /// SoapResponse is still in the SOAP format to be sent or received,
        /// save it to the xmlRequest or xmlResponse property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">
        public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message)
            switch (message.Stage)
                case SoapMessageStage.BeforeSerialize:
                case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize:
                    xmlRequest = GetSoapEnvelope(newStream);
                    CopyStream(newStream, oldStream);
                case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize:
                    CopyStream(oldStream, newStream);
                    xmlResponse = GetSoapEnvelope(newStream);
                case SoapMessageStage.AfterDeserialize:

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the XML representation of the Soap Envelope in the supplied stream.
        /// Resets the position of stream to zero.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">
        /// <returns></returns>
        private XmlDocument GetSoapEnvelope(Stream stream)
            XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
            stream.Position = 0;
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
            stream.Position = 0;
            return xml;

        /// <summary>
        /// Copies a stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">
        /// <param name="to">
        private void CopyStream(Stream from, Stream to)
            TextReader reader = new StreamReader(from);
            TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(to);
        #region NoOp
        /// <summary>
        /// Included only because it must be implemented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodInfo">
        /// <param name="attribute">
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object GetInitializer(LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo,
            SoapExtensionAttribute attribute)
            return null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Included only because it must be implemented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WebServiceType">
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object GetInitializer(Type WebServiceType)
            return null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Included only because it must be implemented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initializer">
        public override void Initialize(object initializer)
        #endregion NoOp
Method soapMessageRecord

private void soapMessageRecord(string nombreMetodo)
            StreamWriter escritorReq = File.CreateText("C:\\logs\\request_" + nombreMetodo+ "_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".xml");
            StreamWriter escritorRes = File.CreateText("C:\\logs\\response_" + nombreMetodo+ "_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".xml");

            // Object is accessed "XMLRequest" TraceExtension class and call property "OuterXml".
            string soapRequest = TraceExtension.XmlRequest.OuterXml;
            string soapResponse = TraceExtension.XmlResponse.OuterXml;

            //Access to the object "XmlResponse" TraceExtension class and called his property "OuterXml".

Mode of use; Example

private void getStudentData(int identification)
            PJWS.proxy2013 ws = new PJWS.proxy2013();
            PJWS.getStudentDataResponse data = new PJWS.getStudentDataResponse();
            data = ws.getData(identification);

            //call the above method most suitable

            // or simply gain access in this way.
            var soapRequest = TraceExtension.XmlRequest.OuterXml;

            // or simply gain access in this way
            var soapResponse = TraceExtension.XmlResponse.OuterXml;

In the web.config must add the following lines:

      <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
          <add type="TestProject.TraceExtension, TestProject" priority="1" group="0" />
See Also:

Ditulis Oleh : Angelo Hari: 3:15 PM Kategori:

21 comentarios:

  1. Doesn't work for me where you put:

    var soapRequest = TraceExtension.XmlRequest.OuterXml;

    "XmlRequest" is null. I can't recover the soap message.

    The only way it works for me is writing in a file, but I need another solution. I can't use files in my app.

    1. Have you made ​​sure that the request is not null?
      This method works when you go to consume WS from a client.

    2. Could you send me your code snippet,

    3. Angelo, so you just copy and paste this crappy code from another punk like you. Nice! Way to go.

  2. Thanks for answer! Fortunelly I made it work jeje. I forget to register the soapextension class in web.config file. But I had to modify the TraceExtension class because the request where mixed. That is, the request A mingled with the response B.

    1. Great, it would be interesting if you could share your modified code .. xD

    2. Sure! Here it is:

      First I added a new field:
      private int session;

      Second, modified the Initialize method:
      public override void Initialize(object initializer)
      if (session == 0)
      session = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode();

      Finally, modified the AfterSerialize and BeforeDeserialize stages:
      case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize:
      if (session == System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode())
      xmlRequest = GetSoapEnvelope(newStream);
      CopyStream(newStream, oldStream);
      case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize:
      if (session == System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode())
      CopyStream(oldStream, newStream);
      xmlResponse = GetSoapEnvelope(newStream);
      session = 0; //restart session variable

      Comparing the hash of the current thread I could avoid to mix several request and responses. Thanks again for iluminate me!

    3. Glad you has been useful!!!

    4. Sorry i'm a beginner.

      I create form application as a web service client.

      where i use this code ???

      in my client or in web service?

  3. Hi Angelo. I have the same problem as (AnonymousApril 2, 2014 at 3:18 AM).
    "XmlRequest" is null.
    I call "soapMessageRecord" exactly after invoking web service method, but for some reason XmlReques comes as null
    Also I tried to use TraceExtension as DLL building it in another project, as well as using it as class within the project where I call web service. In both cases XMLRequest is null

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  8. getStudentData is a webmethod or what , pls explain

    1. It was my mistake, now it is already fixed. Thanks

  9. in my case i am not able to add soapExtensionTypes to web.config. it giving metadata error .

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  12. " Failed to add a service. Service metadata may not be accessible. Make sure your service is running and exposing metadata. " error after adding soapExtensionTypes to web.config
